

Volunteers are a vital part of our church community. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve. We believe that it is a privilege to serve God, His kingdom and others. Your gifts and talents are needed today. Let us serve together as an act of worship.

To Love & To Serve

Our ministry team strives to be an instrument of God’s love and truth in providing care to God’s people: Connecting with our visitors, Assimilating new converts, Restoring the backsliders, and Encouraging the saints. Click on the right to learn more about our ministries.

In celebration of our multicultural diversity, we are partnered with Global Tracts. A powerful resource to reach the majority of languages. Here you will find the Bible and lessons in 60 different languages.

Join our prayer walking ministry. Contact us now.

Powerful and life-changing retreats that provide deep emotional healing and spiritual renewal.

Come and join us as we study (1) how to rightly divide the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15) and (2) how to be a true Christian in lifestyle and conduct. Classes are broken up into two 10-week sessions, with each session lasting about an hour for instruction and questions.

Practical teaching on how to be effective in prayer and the gifts of the Spirit. Online prayer support also available.

Free Bible studies offered at the convenience of your home, from a 1 day Bible study, to a 12-week Bible study that covers the entire Bible.